Food for Sick Cats

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Is enlarged heart serious?

  Dog and cat enlarged heart is a symptom of different conditions. If you notice that your dog or cat seems to be wheezing or seems to be gasping for breath all the time, it may be because of a serious issue, like a heart condition.

More reading

 Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Liquid meal replacement for cats

When your cat's heart is enlarged, it may only be temporary. This is the case when it happens during pregnancy. See a veterinarian to learn more about what's happening in your pet's case.

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

What's in water filters?

  A drinking filter for cats 🐈 helps to ensure that their drinking water is safe. Cats can develop some of the same problems that humans can from drinking water that contains impurities.

More reading

 Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Liquid meal replacement for cats

Activated carbon is found in many filters for water fountains. An ionic resin may also be used.

Sunday, 25 July 2021

Clothing and Irritated Skin



 The type of material used to make your garments is important. Cotton is much more breathable than some other fabrics. Try as often as you can to wear undergarments and outer clothing that allows your skin to breathe. This will cause less irritation and make you heal faster from your groin rash.


More reading

 Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Liquid meal replacement for cats

 Do not keep sweaty clothing on for long periods of time. Sweaty clothes encourage the growth of candida in the groin area. If you have a groin rash, keeping the area cool and dry is important. Excessive dampness will hinder healing. Change damp clothing as soon as possible after running, going to the gym or participating in any other form of exercise.

How To Water Tillandsia


 People who enjoy caring for succulents will enjoy growing this plant. Tillandsia flexuosa is a thick, hard leaved plant and like most great succulents you will not need to water it every day. Ideally, you 


More reading

 Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Liquid meal replacement for cats


 only water it every 5 days. If you want a plant that will do well in a busy office where you may forget to give it water on occasion, this is a good choice.

Sunday, 11 July 2021

How does fat help your cat?



 Cats need fats for the same reasons that humans do. Fats keep your cat's body insulated. Fats also protect your cats internal organs.

Your cat's body needs fats regularly but you don't need to give them too much. You must ensure that your cat's diet includes essential fatty acids like linoleic acid. Your cat's body can't make enough of these fatty acids to meet all of their needs.


Liquid nutrition for cats

How does protein help cats?


 Cats need amino acids for the same reasons that humans do. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein but all proteins do not contain the same amino acids.

Your cat's body uses amino acids to fight infections. Amino acids are also used to make the hormones in your cat's body, that help with everything from reproduction to the use of glucose. Cats also need amino acids to build strong muscles.


Liquid nutrition for cats

Is organi vegan dog food rich in nutrients?c

 Many pet people wonder if organic vegan dog food will supply all the nutrients that pets need. Several vegan brands of dog food are available and all of them say they use other complete amino acid sources to ensure that your dog gets all the amino acids that they would get from animal sources.

If you're thinking about feeding vegan dog food, talk to your vet. This is especially important if your dog has a chronic health condition or has a tendency to become anemic, even when they're on a diet that includes animal sources of protein.


Natural diuretic for dogs with CHF

Saturday, 10 July 2021

Old Dog Heart Cough

 A worrying cough in older dogs, sometimes described as an old dig heart cough, should always be investigated by a veterinarian. If you notice the coughing going on for quite some time and getting worse instead of improving, take your dog to the vet.


Natural diuretics for dogs with CHF

Biotin and Health


 What is biotin? We all hear about biotin in discussions on ways to keep the skin, hair and nails healthy. Many nutritional supplements contain biotin, especially those that are meant to support hair or nail growth or skin healing.

Biotin is one of the B vitamins. It plays an important role in metabolism and is essential for hair growth. Biotin is also needed for the body to properly utilize glucose.


Natural diuretics for dogs with CHF