Food for Sick Cats

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Health Benefits of Saunf Seeds

The health benefits of saunf seeds have made them a go to ingredient in many dishes. Some people know them as fennel while others call these seeds saunf, depending on where in the world they live. They are knwon as a natural rmeedy for a few illnesses that affect children, including asthma.- Fennel Carosella is also used for gas, weight loss and bloating.

Saunf Seeds Health Benefits- Natural Heartburn Relief
Fennel Carosella or Saunf Seeds Health Benefits make them an asset in the kitchen. Not only are these seeds good for adding spice to a lunch or dinner, they also help to relieve heartburn and alleviate gas. If you sometimes suffer from heartburn after enjoying certain dishes, consider using Fennel Carosella or Saunf seeds where appropriate.

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Fennel Seeds (Saunfbenefits in abdominal diseases
Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds
Benefits of saunf for children
Benefits of saunf during pregnancy

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Bio-accumulation of toxins in the food chain

When a person ingests these chemicals  through the food that they eat, there are several things that can happen. For example, bio accumulation of toxins in the food chain may result in defects in children or cause cancer. Statistics show that cancer rates in the United Kingdom and Canada are increasing and part of the reason may be that the number of dangerous chemicals that we use is also increasing.

Some of the cleaners partially breakdown, resulting in compounds such as phosphates, which can cause eutrophication. Eutrophication in streams and rivers makes it harder for fish to obtain the oxygen levels that they need to thrive.

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toxic household chemicals
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household chemicals might be harmful

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