The health benefits of saunf seeds have
made them a go to ingredient in many dishes. Some people know them as
fennel while others call these seeds saunf, depending on where in the
world they live. They are knwon as a natural rmeedy for a few
illnesses that affect children, including asthma.- Fennel Carosella is also used for gas, weight loss and bloating.
Saunf Seeds Health Benefits- Natural
Heartburn Relief
Fennel Carosella or Saunf Seeds Health
Benefits make them an asset in the kitchen. Not only are these seeds
good for adding spice to a lunch or dinner, they also help to relieve
heartburn and alleviate gas. If you sometimes suffer from heartburn after enjoying certain
dishes, consider using Fennel Carosella or Saunf seeds where
Quite related
Fennel Seeds (Saunf) benefits in abdominal diseasesHealth Benefits of Fennel Seeds
Benefits of saunf for children
Benefits of saunf during pregnancy
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